AMA with Kaizen Finance

LavaX Labs
5 min readDec 7, 2021

LavaX recently hosted an ask-me-anything (AMA) session with Kaizen Finance, a token lifecycle management platform, that launched their IDO with LavaX on November 30, 2021. During the IDO launch, we sat down with the Kaizen team to talk about the project itself; how it came to be and the importance of creating an ecosystem that exhibits value in everything it does.

The Kaizen IDO ended successfully on December 2, 2021 at 19:00 pm UTC.

Below, the AMA to learn more about Kaizen and their vision going into 2022.


LavaX: Hi everyone, thanks for joining us today for this great AMA session. Happy to have you part of the growing LavaX community and after a busy few weeks, appreciate the time to sit down and chat with you and the team at Kaizen Finance! I’d like to welcome Evgen and Anna to the session today. Let’s get right into it! Can you tell us more about yourself, your background and how Kaizen came to be?

Kaizen (Evgen): Yes, of course, thank you! I identify myself as an entrepreneur and scientist. My main focus over the last 15 years with this amazing team is focused on cyber security solutions. Fun fact: I have patents all over the world! My work has always been mission-critical as well as time-critical. My team and I are experts in cyber security, having contributed to various emergency system networks, Olympics and communities. Kaizen Finance came to be due to the fact we wanted to help others launch and protect their crypto projects, all under one ecosystem. Cyber security solutions are a very big deal nowadays, not only prior to launching but even more after launching and Kaizen is there every step of the way. I combined all my expertise, knowledge and experience into Kaizen to build a network of secured projects that are provided all the resources they would need to launch a project, along with partners who seek to be part of this great ecosystem.

LavaX: That’s impressive. In your own words, what is the purpose and vision behind Kaizen?

Kaizen (Evgen): We aren’t here to reinvent the wheel, we are here to raise the bar of standards and give projects a standard flow so they can concentrate on their business. I believe that tokens should be standardized as a commodity and with that being said, also illustrate a high level of efficiency and impact. We are here to raise industry standards and create an international ecosystem full of continuous value to our partners and community.

LavaX: The value behind Kaizen is endless and I truly can’t wait to witness myself what you and the team will be able to accomplish in 2022. Going back to LavaX and this collaboration, what are you most excited about?

Kaizen (Evgen): What we have accomplished together so far is just the beginning. I believe that as a launchpad, the standard copy and paste model is outdated and does not create a community. The LavaX and Kaizen joint activity is very unique. The main purpose of a launchpad is to create an engaging launchpad community and have a unique functional model.
Flexibility is also important when adapting to different models and we are happy to have encountered these traits and believe the synergy between the two companies are endless and look forward to perfecting processes together to change the way people look at both launchpads as well as bringing light to the idea of a token lifestyle management platform to the industry and community.

LavaX: What are some exciting milestones coming up for Kaizen you can share with the LavaX community?

Kaizen (Evgen): Our TVL has reached $120M after the third project launched and expect it to grow tremendously by Q1 2022! Our roadmap in Q1 also has us on track to enable Tron support, NFT-launch support as well as AMM integration. It is going to be a busy and exciting year ahead!

LavaX: It’s going to be an exciting 2022! Again, really looking forward to all the successes coming your way. We know how important it is to have a seamless digital experience for any web-based organization. What is your approach to creating a stable, engaging, and user-friendly experience for the Kaizen community? Perhaps, Anna, you could answer this as you overlook the marketing for Kaizen.

Kaizen (Anna): We see ourselves both as a B2B and B2C company. We connect with the brands to add value for our clients, but more importantly — to create awareness about our unique value proposition. It’s important because we provide solutions for individuals and projects, who even don’t know that the solution already exists. Then we acquire an interested audience, no matter, B2C or B2B. To create a stable and engaging experience for our B2C side, we focus on integrating our core values in our marketing, ensuring there is value and purpose in everything we do. From educational marketing to creating an ecosystem, we want each individual to find their place within the Kaizen ecosystem and stay for the value they find within, whether they are B2C or B2B. We do our best to be close to our clients in their digital experience and to provide the most innovative and convenient digital tools to fulfill their tasks. We are focused on automated, no-code user experience.

LavaX: That’s extremely interesting and the multi-tiered approach is also very rich in value of course. Ok, last question! Is there anything special you’d like to share with the LavaX community as we head into 2022?

Kaizen (Evgen): For us, community is everything and we invite you to join our ecosystem of dynamic projects that you can be part of in the near future. Again, we are here to raise the bar and standards in the industry and more importantly build a community that shares the same values and ideas!

We hoped you enjoyed our AMA with Kaizen Finance. Stay tuned for more IDO AMA’s!

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