Introducing: LavaX

A decentralized and fair blockchain-agnostic launchpad

LavaX Labs
3 min readMay 13, 2021

The Future of Launchpads

LavaX is a multi-chain decentralized IDO launchpad platform. It drives the next generation of projects to launch in an equitable and decentralized manner across multiple blockchains.

LavaX is community-driven, governance-based, and transparent. Our community runs LavaX through a first-of-its-kind DAO protocol, so you can actually engage with the projects to dictate how they are launched (and if they will get launched at all). Not only are we unique in the fact that our launchpad allows multiple chains, but we also make the listing process in itself uniquely transparent and fair.

A Blockchain-agnostic Launchpad

LavaX will bridge the crypto world in a truly novel, innovative way, using full cross-chain integration. We’re starting with our native chain Binance Smart Chain & Ethereum, and are soon expanding to Polkadot & Solana.

Here’s our 2021 plan for advancing the LavaX platform:

By the end of the year, we will support cross-chain launches for IDOs and staking. At the same time, we’re closely looking at NFT offerings.


We give users the opportunity to back the projects they want to see on LavaX.

  1. Projects will have to come along and apply throughout our application process.
  2. We assist those projects with submitting a warm temperature check. We kick off a vote, and the community gets notified the vote is present.
  3. After that first vote gets passed by the majority, an official proposal is submitted. We’ll assist the projects again and notify the community. The official proposal voting happens on-chain.
  4. If the official proposal gets passed, the team works with them to set up a launch.

Those projects will also get thoroughly assessed and analyzed by industry-leading specialists in a wide array of industries, from legal to financial to marketing. This process strictly only allows for the strongest and legitimate projects with the highest potential to feature.

As you probably know, most centralized projects charge fees and put those in their own pockets. With our decentralized launchpad, a vast majority of the fees are deposited into a vault and leveraged into passive APY strategies. Governance holders can then delegate their tokens for staking in exchange for a passive APY of the yield. Only a small portion of the fees goes into a development fund, which is on-chain and verifiable. The development costs are transparently presented to the governance in the form of a monthly report.

With LavaX, we’re creating a paradigm shift in fair and transparent public launches

Get Ready for the Launch

We have already completed our private funding round with a star-studded cast of reputable VCs.

Every day we’re receiving many, many questions about our public token sale. We will communicate more details through our official channels. Follow LavaX to remain up-to-date and to learn everything you need to know about the platform and its developments. Exciting news is coming soon!

Learn more about LavaX on our website.

Stay up to date with LavaX news and developments on our Twitter, Telegram Chat & Telegram Announcement Channel

We’re targeting innovative projects with solid prospects and strong teams. Apply here for the possibility to gain access to an exclusive cross-chain launchpad!

